A female professor sitting in a round classroom configuration with several students discussing public relations



影响感知, 信心, and narratives through the Mount Union大学’s Bachelor of 艺术 in 公共关系 degree program. Learn how to develop strategy and utilize creativity in a fast-paced, 非常重要的, 我才行业.



Accomplish meaningful targets in collaboration with real-world stakeholders and build out your professional network from your first days on campus! Mount Union’s degree in public relations program introduces you to key business competencies like accounting, 全球业务, 微观和宏观经济学, 企业融资, 和管理, 以及关于写作活动的深入课程, 计划活动, 为内部和外部媒体撰写文案, 准备公共关系策略. 在每节课中, gain mentorship insights from your professors and industry connections, and seize opportunities to develop your resume and professional portfolio.



  • 56 公共关系学位的学分
  • 32 有影响力的综合核心课程的学分
  • 旅行 参加会议、研讨会和出国留学目的地
  • 实习生 with local and regional agencies and 非营利组织 organizations
  • PRSSA 会员网络与同行和行业专业人士



Assert your potential to support individuals, organizations, and corporations. The Bachelor of 艺术 in 公共关系 program at Mount Union empowers you to learn and experience the skills and idea generation sought by employers across the country. 请求更多信息 关于公共关系的学位,或者 马上申请 开始你的旅程!

商学院 部门教员

  • 课程


    Become a front-runner among creative and strategic problem solvers in a highly competitive industry. The bachelor’s in public relations coursework and field experiences equip you to develop and maintain effective relationships with a variety of stakeholders, 制定战略和道德沟通计划, 进行受众细分, 计划和实施危机沟通, 设计整合营销传播策略, and measure program results using a variety of evaluation methods. Explore more learning opportunities in the undergraduate 目录.



    • 策略性公共关系
    • 公共关系写作
    • 公共关系案例
    • 公共关系活动
    • 活动策划
    • 商业定量方法
    • 为有意义的工作做计划
    • 商业道德
    • 市场营销原理

  • 从实践经验中学习


    Achieve excellence beyond the classroom through impactful learning contexts and student organizations. 在服务学习计划, 行业合作伙伴, 和实习, strengthen your communication skills and gain valuable hands-on experience—both of which are critical to founding a successful career with your degree in public relations. 

    Service-learning is essential to developing and expanding your vision as a public relations major. These accessible opportunities to practice and prove your learning in real-world contexts help build your 信心, 服务你的社区, 扩展你的简历. 最近的项目提高了以下方面的通讯:

    • 全国禁书周
    • 休斯顿-布伦博自然中心
    • 珀加索斯农场
    • Akron-Canton-Youngstown Chapter of the 公共关系 Society of America


    Bridge academic and professional experiences through 实习 with local and regional organizations. These exceptional opportunities empower you to connect your knowledge with real-world practice, 建立一个专业网络, 在简历中加入丰富的工作经验, and position yourself for success as you launch your career or start graduate school. Mount Union’s public relations majors have recently interned with:

    • 阿克伦灯塔报
    • Aultman医院
    • 广州仓库
    • KDKA
    • MTV
    • 史密森尼学会
    • 华盛顿周刊回顾
    • 克利夫兰骑士队
    • 克利夫兰印第安人
    • Cleveland television channels: 5, 8, 19/43 and FOX Sports NET OHIO
    • 乡村音乐电视
    • 蓝调之家
    • WHBC-FM
    • 华特迪士尼世界


    Join the student-led endeavors around Mount Union’s campus to broaden your professional contexts and act as agents of change in our community.

    Attend sessions with public relations industry professionals, 旅游公关机构, 参加当地会议, 在职业午宴上建立人脉, and collaborate on an annual event to benefit a community 非营利组织 organization. This chapter of the national PRSSA organization also grants you access to national 奖学金, 奖, 实习, 公共关系职位. 
    Produce, disc jockey, write, research, and design campaigns for Mount Union’s radio station (WRMU 91.1 FM)、YouTube频道(Studio M)、校报(发电机的).




    实习 provide valuable and practical experience for public relations major students, and they help to fill the gap between the academic and professional worlds. 

    Mount Union public relations degree students have interned with the following organizations:

    • 阿克伦灯塔报
    • Aultman医院
    • 广州仓库
    • KDKA
    • MTV
    • 史密森尼学会
    • 华盛顿周刊回顾
    • 克利夫兰骑士队
    • 克利夫兰印第安人
    • Cleveland television channels: 5, 8, 19/43 and FOX Sports NET OHIO
    • 乡村音乐电视
    • 蓝调之家
    • WHBC-FM
    • 华特迪士尼世界
  • 职业生涯


    Drive toward success through the bachelor’s in public relations degree program at Mount Union, which empowers you to build meaningful relationships with organizational and industry contacts—a first step toward a fruitful public relations career. Companies and 非营利组织 organizations of all sizes and stripes turn to public relations professionals for matters of marketing, 进步, 危机沟通, 和更多的, 也就是说像你这样的专家供不应求. Your extensive practical experience at Mount Union positions you for success in advertising, 事件管理, 公共事务, 销售, 社交媒体管理, 还有私人的市场营销角色, 非营利组织, 以及全国各地的政府机构.


    • 爱玛客
    • 阿大
    • 全国保险
    • 哈佛大学
    • 乔治华盛顿大学


    • 佐治亚大学
    • 威斯康星大学
    • 扬斯敦州立大学
    • 西北大学
    • 锡拉丘兹大学
    • 俄亥俄州立大学
    • 肯特州立大学
    • 阿克伦大学


    • 社交媒体顾问
    • 活动策划人
    • 公共关系专员
    • 说客
    • 新闻秘书



    • 佐治亚大学
    • 威斯康星大学
    • 扬斯敦州立大学
    • 西北大学
    • 锡拉丘兹大学
    • 俄亥俄州立大学
    • 肯特州立大学
    • 阿克伦大学



    • 社交媒体顾问
    • 活动策划人
    • 公共关系专员
    • 说客
    • 新闻秘书
