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Braydon Lazzara ’24

Exercise Science major

蒙特大学给了我一个参加足球队的机会,这给了我希望,我成为大学运动员的梦想还没有结束. 虽然Mount Union也给了我一个超越学生运动员的机会 with the different student organizations.


B.S., Exercise Science


Munroe Falls, Ohio

Other Interest

Founder's Academic Scholarship

Why Mount Union?

I heard about Mount Union when I was a junior in high school. Every summer the soccer team would host open fields, which would be open to any alumni or current player. Two players that would regularly attend were Mount Union students. They spoke very highly of the academic programs and the soccer team. My goal was to play collegiate soccer growing up, 但当我在大四第二次撕裂前交叉韧带时,我以为这个梦想可能已经结束了. 在此之前,我被多所学校录取,但还没有收到offer. However, 在听到这个消息后,Mount Union的教练邀请我的家人来学校,并且是第一个给我offer的教练.

For students looking at colleges/universities, I’d say that it is okay to change your mind and go with your gut instinct. 就我个人而言,在我内心深处,我一直知道协和山是我上大学的第一选择. 有一段时间,因为体育奖学金,我被另一所大学录取了. The best advice my mom gave me was the comparison of building a house to college. 当你盖房子的时候,你需要一个坚固的地基,以便在上面生长和建造. This analogy can be compared to college because it is your foundation for your future. I believe the cost is worth every penny due.

A Second Home

Mount Union has always felt like home. 蒙特大学给了我一个参加足球队的机会,这给了我希望,我成为大学运动员的梦想还没有结束. 虽然Mount Union也给了我一个超越学生运动员的机会. 我们喜欢把这所大学称为“和”学校,因为这里的威尼斯人app下载希望看到学生在参与多个组织的同时取得成功.Mount Union提供了许多资源来帮助你取得成功,并重视你的大学经历,无论是通过学生成功中心, academic support, or through our first-year experiences program.Though, the tight knit community also makes Mount Union feel like a second home. From your first step on campus, you can see and feel the welcoming atmosphere. I have made lasting friendships and roommates that I call my brothers.

Why Exercise Science

我选择运动科学作为我的专业,因为它的教师很有吸引力,而且学生可以获得实践经验. 作为一名本科生,你可以使用高端设备,比如代谢车, Pod Bod, and Vicon Motion Analysis Software. 此外,您还可以测试同龄人,并培训社区成员以帮助他们实现目标. 作为D3学院的一员,可以享受小班授课,教授们都知道你的名字,这对我来说是一个很容易的选择.

The Exercise Science Department has had a great impact on my UMU experience, but if I had to pick an individual, I would have to say Dr. Barrett. Dr. Barrett is my research advisor and professor. Without his guidance and support I would not be where I am today; he has been there for me every step of the way. As a professor, he makes the curriculum easy to understand and engaging. 作为一名研究顾问,他总是抽出时间回答我的问题,帮助我缓解压力. Mount Union is lucky to have Dr. Barrett and I am excited to continue to work with him.

Young Researcher

As a student at Mount, I  有机会在以下会议上展示我的研究成果:美国中西部运动医学学院(2021年), 俄亥俄州立大学的损伤生物力学研讨会(2022年),在那里我是有史以来最年轻的,也是唯一的联合山学生出席了这次会议, 以及美国中西部运动医学学院会议(2022年),在那里我获得了本科生学者奖,并参加了Mount Union大学的智力竞赛碗队.

Additionally, 我在T3 Performance实习,帮助制定训练计划,对Mount Union运动员进行性能测试. 我还被聘为联合山男子足球项目的首席体育科学家. Furthermore, last summer I was able to help Dr. Bansal on a 9-Week Mall walking study on Stroke patients.

If I had to choose a favorite experience, I would have to say Ohio State’s Injury Biomechanics Symposium. 这个机会显示了我对研究的热爱,因为这是我第一次担任首席研究员. 在会议上,我能够联系到许多不同的大学关于研究生院和暑期实习,我已经申请了这个夏天.

Honors Research


The purpose of my study was to add a sports-specific secondary task, in this case heading a soccer ball, 看看它会如何改变着陆动力学和运动学,从而增加前交叉韧带损伤的风险,以及在普通的跳跃评估中,女性是否比男性更容易受伤.

所有来自Mount Union的男子和女子足球队的参与者都将前往位于校园的Vicon动作捕捉实验室进行所有测试. 在这种情况下,他们将执行4次反移动跳跃(CMJs)和4次垂直跳跃(DVJs)。. Two of each of these jumps would implement the secondary task of heading a soccer ball. With the Vicon software and force plates, 我们能够分析跳跃的不对称性以及运动学和动力学结果的差异.

Taken together, 我们的数据表明,在跳跃评估中增加一个次要任务可能会提高这些测试的损伤预测值, but one gender is not more affected, although prospective cohort studies would need to be done to confirm this.